Senin, 09 April 2012

PDF Ebook , by David Fitzgerald

PDF Ebook , by David Fitzgerald

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, by David Fitzgerald

, by David Fitzgerald

, by David Fitzgerald

PDF Ebook , by David Fitzgerald

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, by David Fitzgerald

Product details

File Size: 2559 KB

Print Length: 337 pages

Simultaneous Device Usage: Unlimited

Publication Date: May 12, 2013

Sold by: Amazon Digital Services LLC

Language: English




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Amazon Best Sellers Rank:

#226,593 Paid in Kindle Store (See Top 100 Paid in Kindle Store)

No long review. The book speaks for itself. I just wanted to thank Fitzgerald for writing it and putting so much good information in it. I have been out awhile. I was a convert at about 18, served a two year mission. Married in the Temple, the whole 9yards. Just has the book says, leaving was a process. Thankfully since I was a convert I didn’t have a whole network of family to hold on to. I can really feel for those who do. To those readers I wish them the best. Trust your mind, hold on to a search for truth and you will find it.....eventually. Thanks again David.

While PT Barnum made the statement that ...'there is a sucker born every minute', David Fitzgerald restates it and says ....'there is a member of Mormonism born every minute'. While seeing himself as being a atheistic heretic I, on the other hand, see the author has being both a truth-seeker and a realist. The historical myths that he reveals in this text is both shocking and, yet, fully expected. Mankind has historically sought out the answers to two pressing questions; What happens after I die? What is my purpose for living? While numerous dogmas have been created around these questions, the Mormon tenets, like most others, are based on wishes and hopes rather than facts and events. Joseph Smith was little more than a 'magic rock' charlatan who decided he could take his inane act to the next level and, by doing so, obtain for himself the riches and fame that he felt he deserved. What resulted, as we know, was a magical belief system that included magic underwear, a planetary god, fifty wives, and civil revolutions. But is also included for Smith the money and power that he sought. Brigham Young followed lock-step in Smith's footsteps and turned a façade of belief and magic into a full blown set of church rules and certitudes. And, believe it or not, the magic continues through to today with Mormonism being the fastest growing of all world religions.Why then would members abide by such a fairy tale belief system? Because Smith and Young gave them the answers to the above two questions and added to them the 'fact' that they, and only they, after death would gain the highest recognition from their fairy tale god. Additionally their purpose in life was now clearly defined as being to a period spent pleasing the 'heavenly father'. A very sad tale of deceit on a massive level. But, unfortunately one that is not unlike all other organized religions that begins in myth and winds up in exceptionalism, power and corruption ............

Phenomenal book, really puts this ludicrous faith in the fictitious light it deserves.Humorous somewhat while remaining factual. as an Ex mormon i very much enjoyed reading this.

A fun, breezy but detailed overview of the of lds church's screwed up history. But the author's consistent, somewhat condescending jabs at the religion is enough to make current Mormons stop reading and convincing themselves that this is another bogus anti-mormon literature when it really isn't.

For those of you that have been able to shirk this religion, but might be having second thoughts, this book is for you. For those of you that use the word apostate, do not bother. It is a reality check in your otherwise empty world.Very thorough history of the Mormons documented by facts, not scripture, easily found on the web or through the excellent sources listed by Mr. Fitzgerald. It is baffling to me that people still follow and believe in this inane, false world.One thing that does make Mormons stand out among other religions is the fact that there is not one shred of archeological evidence to back anything up. Unfortunately for Mr. Smith ( unlike ancient history) he failed to realize the power of communications in his era and what it would become today. I will give credit to Mr. Smith for one thing, his imagination. An example: I have honestly given an effort to actually read the BOM. Suffice it to say that I am only able to get through the first few books of the imaginary prophet Nephi. It actually has God inventing GPS and text messaging to guide Nephi to the promised land. Oh well, what do expect from a flim flam guy like him anyway? I am giving this four stars only because of the past pain and abuse remembered as I suffered as a child within this gloomy,dark abyss of horse pucky.Anyway, great read David. I am looking forward to your next one.

a truly masterful work. There appears to be no limit to the creative dodges that believers will go to in order to relieve their bouts of cognitive dissonance when their hopeful faiths come up against reality. This work addresses all of the popular questions outsiders have about mormonism, and then some! I expect no kickback from the mormons I know because of the reasons explained in the final chapters.Well researched, well written and thoughtfully discussed.

Very well written expose of an American phenomena based on incredible myth and deception. Very glad I read it.

Of all the sad and ridiculous religious histories, this one takes the proverbial cake. I never knew this in such detail. The work is wonderful and scary, that it could have happened in the U.S. and still be intact.

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