Senin, 01 April 2013

Ebook Download Frommer's Cruises and Ports of Call 2009 (Frommer's Complete Guides), by Matt Hannafin Heidi Sarna

Ebook Download Frommer's Cruises and Ports of Call 2009 (Frommer's Complete Guides), by Matt Hannafin Heidi Sarna

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Frommer's Cruises and Ports of Call 2009 (Frommer's Complete Guides), by Matt Hannafin Heidi Sarna

Frommer's Cruises and Ports of Call 2009 (Frommer's Complete Guides), by Matt Hannafin Heidi Sarna

Frommer's Cruises and Ports of Call 2009 (Frommer's Complete Guides), by Matt Hannafin Heidi Sarna

Ebook Download Frommer's Cruises and Ports of Call 2009 (Frommer's Complete Guides), by Matt Hannafin Heidi Sarna

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Frommer's Cruises and Ports of Call 2009 (Frommer's Complete Guides), by Matt Hannafin Heidi Sarna

From the Back Cover

Experience the best a place has to offer on the cruise that's right for you. Frommer's. Your trip begins with us. Detailed coverage of the hottest trends in cruising—trips departingfrom all major U.S. ports to the Caribbean, Alaska, Hawaii, Bermuda, Mexico, and Canada Exact prices, including cruise rack rates and the average discounted rates for every ship that we review, so you can plan the perfect trip no matter what your budget Extensive descriptions of all the major cruise ships sailing in North America, from cabin amenities and ship facilities to shore excursions and recreational activities Comprehensive ship ratings that grade the essential elements of a cruise experience (dining, activities, children's programs, entertainment, service, overall enjoyment, and overall value) from "poor" to "outstanding" Special coverage of popular river cruise routes in the United States, including the Mississippi River, California's Wine Country, the Hudson River Valley, and the Columbia and Snake rivers

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Product details

Series: Frommer's Complete Guides (Book 616)

Paperback: 736 pages

Publisher: *Frommers; Revised edition (October 6, 2008)

Language: English

ISBN-10: 0470308761

ISBN-13: 978-0470308769

Product Dimensions:

5.1 x 1.3 x 8 inches

Shipping Weight: 1.2 pounds (View shipping rates and policies)

Average Customer Review:

4.6 out of 5 stars

6 customer reviews

Amazon Best Sellers Rank:

#5,185,892 in Books (See Top 100 in Books)

There is much good advice found in this book. Information about cruises is voluminous on the internet, but varies widely depending on the informant's tastes. As a novice cruiser I wanted a handbook with concise information and phone numbers, addresses, and web sites all in one place. This is a good source for that information.

I bought this for my dad. He is hard to buy for. When he opened, it was his favorite present. He and my mom, have been on 50 cruises (no exaggeration). He said he found this book to be informative and well organized. Something to consider for the person who has it all or is hard to shop for.

What was included was excellent. I just wish there had been more information. Manzanillo was not in the book. I would have also liked more recommendations at each destination.

I buy this every year when it comes out as I love to read about all the new cruise ships and gain insight into the personalities of the different lines/ships. I donate the last book to my library so they can put it in the travel section.

I buy this book every year when planning for our cruise! Not only does it give the best info on all of the ships, it provides the latest recommendations for the excursions. I'd rather buy the book and find out that the excursion we think it going to be great doesn't even find it's way into the book as a recommendation than loose $200 or more on an excursion that is a waste of money...

We've been on two cruises and the guide answered every question we had, and answered many that we would not have thought to ask. The book definitely made our trips much more enjoyable than they would have otherwise been.

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Frommer's Cruises and Ports of Call 2009 (Frommer's Complete Guides), by Matt Hannafin Heidi Sarna PDF

Frommer's Cruises and Ports of Call 2009 (Frommer's Complete Guides), by Matt Hannafin Heidi Sarna PDF

Frommer's Cruises and Ports of Call 2009 (Frommer's Complete Guides), by Matt Hannafin Heidi Sarna PDF
Frommer's Cruises and Ports of Call 2009 (Frommer's Complete Guides), by Matt Hannafin Heidi Sarna PDF

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