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Buckland's Book of Spirit Communications, by Raymond Buckland
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About the Author
Raymond Buckland was actively involved in metaphysics and the occult for fifty years. He was the author of more than sixty books, including such best-selling titles as Buckland's Complete Book of Witchcraft, Gypsy Dream Dictionary, Practical Candleburning Rituals, and Witchcraft from the Inside. Ray lectured and presented workshops across the United States, and appeared on major television and radio shows nationally and internationally. He also wrote screen plays, was a technical advisor for films, and appeared in films and videos. Ray came from an English Romany (Gypsy) family and resided with his wife Tara on a small farm in central Ohio. Beyond writing, Ray's other passion was homebuilt airplanes.
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Excerpt. © Reprinted by permission. All rights reserved.
Lesson One: What is Mediumship? Beginnings In some of my books I have spoken of the earliest beginnings of religiomagic and described the probable actions of Paleolithic peoples in their attempts to communicate with deity. Certainly we know that the earliest humans needed success in hunting in order to survive and, from extant cave paintings, carvings, and clay models, we know that "magic" was performed immediately before their all-important hunts.We also know from these sources that humankind called upon deity to bring success to this magic, thereby making these hunts fruitful. From the painting known as "The Sorcerer" in the Caverne des Trois Frères, in Ariége, France (see page 2), it can be seen that a member of the tribe would dress in the skins of a stag and wear the mask and horns, or antlers, of the animal―playing the role of the God of Hunting―in order to lead a ritual designed to bring success to the hunt that would follow. As part of his role, the person playing the part of the Hunting God would almost certainly have spoken as that deity, directing the hunters in their pantomimed actions. So what he might well have been doing, whether or not he realized it, was "channeling" the deity; actually allowing the Hunting God to speak through him. Channeling Channeling is a phenomenon that has become popular in recent years, with any number of people publicly going into trance and allowing "entities" to speak through them to their audiences. In public halls, on television, on video tapes, these channelers can be seen and heard. Though not claiming to be a plenipotentiary for "God," many of them do claim that they are bringing the voice, and the teachings, of an entity who has never previously lived on this earth but who dwells, or has dwelled, on some far distant planet or even in some other dimension. (I'll speak more on this in lesson 15.) Channeling can be found throughout the ages; from those early cave-dwelling days continuously through to present-day examples. The ancient Egyptian priests would frequently play the part of one or another of their many gods and goddesses. Once again we have extant examples of the paraphernalia used (for example, the mask worn when representing Anubis, the jackal-headed god). The sibyls of ancient Greece were regularly consulted by a populace who desired to speak with their deities. The Romans, too, had their soothsayers and seers, who passed on the words of the dwellers on Mount Olympus. In the Mayan temples the priests played the part of their gods, giving or relaying instructions and advice to the people. In the Bible, in 1 Corinthians 12 and 14, there are exhortations for all to use their gifts of prophesy and other spiritual gifts. Throughout the Middle Ages it was common to consult with those who had access to the land beyond death through the rituals of necromancy. In eighteenth- and nineteenth-century Haiti, the slaves developed their own form of religion to produce Voodoo, a combination of their native African beliefs and practices, mixed in with those of the indigenous Indians, and with what they saw as the power of the Catholic Church. In Voodoo, the sole purpose of many of the gatherings is to speak to the deities, who "appear" by possessing one or another of the worshippers and speaking through them. In modern-day Panchmuda, India (northwest of Calcutta), similar rites are held each year at the Temple of Manasa for the Snake Festival, when the Serpent Mother takes possession of her worshippers. Writers, musicians, and artists have long composed through a process of channeling. Wolfgang Mozart heard music in his head and simply wrote down what he heard, never changing or modifying it. In the mid-nineteenth century came the birth of the present-day Spiritualist movement, with the Fox sisters of New York, in 1848, discovering a simple method to communicate with the spirits of the dead (see lesson 3). A medium is a connecting link between this physical world and the world of spirit. Anyone can learn to act as that link. Anyone can become a medium. Lady Ann M. Burdock It can be seen, then, that there is nothing new in channeling, be it bringing messages from those who have died and passed on, producing advice from extraterrestrial entities, or speaking the words of divinities. The channel is a medium through which the information is produced. (What that information is, how accurate it may be, and from whence it comes, are questions we will address later in this book.) Anyone can act as such a channel, or medium. Some people seem more readily attuned to the position than others, but we all have the capability. Most mediums and channels work consciously and have, indeed, spent time in training to achieve their results, yet some act completely spontaneously and unconsciously. Possession Mediumship is not the same thing as possession. In possession an undesirable spirit or entity takes over the body of a living human, forcing out and overriding that human's spirit. It possesses and refuses to give up possession unless driven out...though there are actually far fewer cases of true possession than late-night movies and the sensational media would have you believe. In mediumship the living human may voluntarily allow another spirit to make use of his or her vocal cords, hand and/or arm muscles, or other parts of the body; but never giving up total control of the entire is a mutual agreement that can be terminated at any time. Under the proper circumstances there is absolutely no harm that can come to the medium, though it may be wise to use some precautionary measures "just in case." These I'll deal with, in detail, elsewhere. In many types of mediumship, however, there is no giving up of any of the medium's organism whatsoever. For example, with clairvoyance and clairaudience the medium is simply seeing and hearing and then relaying what he or she sees or hears. It is only in such forms as direct voice, automatic writing, and the like that there is ever any degree of use of the medium's body. In this book I will be dealing mainly with mediumship in the sense of obtaining information from the spirits of those who have died and passed on but, toward the end of the book, I'll also look into channeling of other entities. Throughout the book I'll address developing your own abilities in the various aspects of mediumship. Here practice will be the keyword. But with practice, one thing needs to be borne in mind: don't overdo things. Don't try to do something―be it crystal-gazing, clairvoyance, or psychometry―and keep trying till you are blue in the face! Apart from getting discouraged, you'll rapidly terminate your interest in that specific art, and perhaps the whole field of mediumship, and you'll drag down your psychic defenses to the point where you could suffer both physically and emotionally. It is much better to take small bites on a regular basis; then you'll progress, gain in strength, and much sooner reach the goals you have set for yourself. Exercises At the root of all psychic development is good breathing. In my book Amazing Secrets of the Psychic World (coauthored with Hereward Carrington), I spoke of the life-giving property of fresh air and the fact that simply by breathing fully you contribute to living fully. Some of the exercises I gave were: Stand before an open window, or out of doors, free from all restrictive clothing. Exhale forcibly, bending the body forward and relaxing the muscles. Then stand up straight and place both hands over your abdomen. Now breathe as deeply as possible against those hands, expanding the abdomen as much as possible without allowing the chest or ribs to expand at all.Again exhale forcibly. After five or six such breaths, place your hands on either side against your ribs. Now breathe in deeply, pressing out the ribs but without allowing either the abdomen or the upper chest to expand more than a little. After five or six breaths, place your hands on your upper chest, just below the neck, and breathe with this portion of the lungs, without allowing either the ribs or the abdomen to expand. You will find that it's not so easy to control your breathing. After you have mastered it, however, you can go on to the next step, the complete breath. Take a number of good, deep breaths, starting with expanding your abdomen, then the ribs, then the upper chest, one after the other in the one breath. Try to control this intake in the three stages, one after the other. Then, as you become more accomplished, merge them one into the next so that you have something akin to a rolling motion as the breath moves up the body. Breathe in through your nose and out through either your nose or mouth. From there continue with establishing a mental image of the breath as you breathe it, in the form of light. See it coming into your body and filling it. As you breathe out, see the light forcing out all the negativity in the form of dark colors: black, dark browns, greens, and reds. You can imagine the light entering from wherever seems most comfortable to you―through the third eye; into the heart; up from the ground through your feet...whichever you prefer. Just be consistent and always see it entering at the same place. For the exit of the negativity, see it being driven out of all your bodily orifices, one after the other, and end with it leaving through all the pores of the skin. End with the whole body―every little extremity―completely filled with fresh, vibrant, positive light. Trance Development and Chakra EnhancementAnalyze your "falling asleep" pattern. Try to catch yourself at just the point of falling asleep and to "hold on to yourself," as it were, as long as possible >in that state until you can hold no more and you actually do fall asleep. This is excellent practice so that you will always be in control of yourself, no matter how deep the trance you enter. Spirits do not belong perpetually to the same order. All are destined to attain perfection by passing through the different degrees of the spirithierarchy. This amelioration is effected by incarnation Allan Kardec The physical body is connected to the etheric or spiritual body at centers known as chakras (pronounced "shock-ruz"). Part of the development of any psychic and spiritual ability is to stimulate those chakras by raising what is known as the kundalini power―power that travels through the body and generates energy. The chakras are linked with actual physical glands, and there are seven of them. The first, lumbar (or base) chakra, is at the gonads; the second, spine chakra, is at the adrenals; the solar plexus chakra is at the lyden; the heart chakra is at the thymus; the throat chakra is at the thyroid; the third eye chakra is at the pineal, and the crown chakra is at the pituitary. Here is what I say about chakras and kundalini in my book Buckland's Complete Book ofWitchcraft (Llewellyn, 2002): "In meditation the mysterious psychic energy can be sent up through these centers. This very potent force is called the kundalini, or "Serpent Power." As this mighty force begins to flow within you, these vital psychic centers―the chakras―begin to open in successive order. As the vital forces begin to flow through the nervous system, the individual achieves a sense of well-being and peace. The subconscious begins to clear itself of the negative and undesired patterns of feelings and images that have been programmed into it through your lifetime. The cosmic force of the kundalini very naturally operates in a calm, relaxed, contemplative atmosphere. As the succession of opening chakras continues, your awareness and perception of life flows continually from within. A new vibrancy permeates your being." Exercise Getting the kundalini power to flow through the chakras very definitely sets up a new vibrancy. But how to get that power to flow? The first step is to do your deep breathing, as in the exercises above, then to awaken the chakras as follows. Each of the seven centers is associated with a color, going through the spectrum. The base chakra is red, the spine chakra is orange, the solar plexus chakra is yellow, the heart chakra is green, the throat chakra is blue, the pineal chakra is indigo, and the crown chakra is violet. Imagine each of these centers, one at a time, and see it enveloped in its specific color.
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Product details
Paperback: 272 pages
Publisher: Llewellyn Publications; 2 edition (March 8, 2004)
Language: English
ISBN-10: 9780738703992
ISBN-13: 978-0738703992
ASIN: 0738703990
Product Dimensions:
8.5 x 0.8 x 10.8 inches
Shipping Weight: 1.7 pounds (View shipping rates and policies)
Average Customer Review:
4.7 out of 5 stars
99 customer reviews
Amazon Best Sellers Rank:
#48,542 in Books (See Top 100 in Books)
I've been wanting to purchase this book for awhile as it has peeked my curiousity and recently I made the purchase. I haven't been through the whole book but it has been very insightful. It is very informative and filled with questions and exercises to teach you things. I hope to finish the book soon. If spirits and the ethereal realm interest you, it is worth a read. I highly reccomend it!
This is different kind of book on occultism. I first want to say, Spirit Contact should not be taken lightly. its dangerous. But its as dangerous as letting an 8 year old play with a chain saw. But if we take the time to prepare ourselves, learn from others, and gradually rise to the challenge, we will mitigate the risks. This book approaches spirit communications in this way. Buckland leads you slowly along the path of Spirit Communications. He recommends reading this book in sections, and then doing the chapter quizzes. Yes, do the quizzes!!! The book itself will teach about the history, terminology and methods to be successful at Spirit Medium Ship. Like I say, don't buy this book and expect to make communication that night.
With both historic facts and multiple suggestions and techniques, this book is perfect at its job. It works for solitary owners, or anyone who would like to learn with others. Well written. The information is very in depth, though, and readers should expect to dedicate a moderate amount of time to reading through it. Another plus would be that it isn't discriminatory against any one religion, making it perfect for anyone who finds themselves interested in this topic.
Just another amazing book, touching on all sorts of topics for people to learn the history and how to of different types of communication ways, as well as little lessons given at the end of each chapter/lesson.
I loved this book not only for the good and plentiful) exercises, but for the historical background it lends to the topic. Well written, easy to follow and understand even for "beginners" like me.
I am not a big Buckland fan... but this one he got right and it looks like he also got a lotof good information from the National Spiritualist Association of churches www. as well. this book I can recommend...
probably one of Ray's best works.
It is in beautiful condition. I will start reading it today,
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