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, by J. Rodman Williams

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Product details
File Size: 4293 KB
Print Length: 1476 pages
Simultaneous Device Usage: Up to 5 simultaneous devices, per publisher limits
Publisher: Zondervan Academic (May 3, 2011)
Publication Date: May 3, 2011
Sold by: HarperCollins Publishing
Language: English
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Amazon Best Sellers Rank:
#228,242 Paid in Kindle Store (See Top 100 Paid in Kindle Store)
This is a highly readable book dealing with systematic theology from a reformed position yet with a thoroughly Biblical exposition of the Holy Spirit, the role of the Spirit in a Christian's life, gifts of the Spirit, and the current renewal movement (which almost all other reformed theology ignores). Many have said that this book combines the intellectual foundation that the charismatic movement has needed. This book is for every Christian looking to strengthen their mind with the truth of God's Word while at the same time drawing one closer in that vital relationship with the Triune God that is absolutely necessary to make theology come alive in words and deeds. Many of my theologically untrained friends have read this book and have found it very easy to read yet life changing. It confirmed to them the reality and theological basis of the Holy Spirit in their lives today. It strengthened their understanding of the core doctrines of the Word of God. Dr. Williams' character and enthusiasm for the truth of God and the movement fo the Holy Spirit shines through each of the chapters. Christians will certainly be challenged with his exposition on limited atonement, and foreordination or predestination vs. free-will debates which he attempts to show another prespective that both miss. I highly recommend this book to every believer seeking to read a theological book that not only stimulates the intellect providing truth and wisdom from God's Word but also encourages the heart in one's relationship to God, the Church and towards the world.
Dr. Williams Systematic Theology has been helpful on every level... but perhaps most of all... when that new 'float' comes along in the never ending parade of what we celebrate as the 'renewal' of the church, it is wonderful to have such a solid and trusted point of reference. Invariably Dr. Williams helps me sort out the fluff from the 'real stuff' and draws me back to his laser beam clarity of his passion for Christ and Him crucified and his respect for the Scripture. I say it's not only a must read for every one pursuing His Presence in the church but it's a must re read and read again, and keep handy for the next time you need a seasoned, intelligent, Spirit filled view of the new things the Lord is in the habit of birthing in His church.
I've searched all over the world......this is the one - hands down - for charismatic systematic theology.I run a school of ministry and this is my number one reference book.Can't recommend highly enough. Would give 10 stars if it were possible.
For many years, Charismatics have been found wanting with respect to an authoritative systematic theology written from a Charismatic perspective. We have had to "borrow" the systematic theologies of others like Grudem, Schafer, et al. And this isn't bad in and of itself. But in areas such as pneumology, the current evangelical theology has always differed with the charismatic viewpoint, and has left the charismaric wanting in this and other areas.But not any more.Williams covers each important theological subject in a thorough fashion and provides a complete systematic theology for the Charismatically-inclined as well as for the body of Christ at large.It is nice to see a sound theology advanced by an eminently capable scholar who embraces the charismatic world view.I could not give the book five stars because for all its worth, Williams does not believe that healing is in the atonement--a staple for the charismatic community. But William's viewpoint in this area may be due to his Presbyterian roots.Good book if you want a theology from a charismatic viewpoint.
A Different Perspective from Grudem. Very much older than Grudem's Sytematic Theology.
Great Resource. Was delivered as stated. One of the references used for my doctoral research on Spiritual Giftedness.Thank you.
This one of the best insights given about specific subjects in the Bible. I highly recommend this book to anyone looking to go deeper into the Word of God.
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